A Thought
It seems to me that people worry
Yet claim to live worry free
Two letter words dictating the life of the individual
When they represent that of a collect
You are a Noun
The Noun is you
Get it wrong and see it through
Towards a world wrathful in the few
Professionals in worry
As if their noun is a currency
Shorten it for me
Don’t even bother with the means
Of when or why
Or how with goodbyes
Simply worry too much
About the thing that the other possess
A name term they use for all
Mistakenly embraced by one
For you cannot claim ownership
Over that which belongs to we
Worry not whether I name thee
Something of correction of ornamental leaves
As if those branches could take away that fruit within
Worry not for the simple professionals
Unaware of their nouns power
Worry only for the basic flower
That blooms within you labeled
For the Noun is of more importance than a pro could ever hope