Here We Stand
Cryptically voyaging through an endless canal of symmetry
Here I rest,
A spirit confined
to an asymmetrical prison of existence
Physicality broken in variables
Much less surprising that the microbes
lining our decaying cells
Spurts of electricity engorge the pathways of choice
Defining those which plants their feet
firmly on the ground
A forever push
Avoiding the pull from the worms and roots below
But what is choice
If not an exercise in that which we cannot see
Nor the possibilities of the future
Shrouded in the fears of what rests behind
The halls ahead seem endless
Verging on eternity
In the continuum of next
A step off a bus
With an eagerness to introduce
That which has fled the mind into our ears
A cogito sum
Reflected off the handprints
Pressed upon our minds
A summation of self
Something we wish to find
Yet the walls grow nearer
Burning in the reality forced to remind
That which was
Which will be
Swimming endlessly through a pursuit of thee
A misplaced belief
That personality can be defined and erased
Individuality set free
But the matter is not one of change
Nor a burdened attempt to flee
A fistful of acceptance for the shadow in wake
An immediate allowance for the struggles we face
A hopeful exuberance for the dreams that lie in wait
A journey isn’t over until the white light embraces
The black and the muddy all bloody and basic
and the diamonds on your braces illuminate the races
Whether won or lost
There remains no cost
For in the end, the darkness comes, and we’ve all lost
Unless you realize this isn’t a battle
And they’re pointless
All those trophies on your mantle
You’ll win and you’ll lose
There’s no need to cancel
A journey is bright and freckled in darkness
Leaving you yearning for something
A harness
To pull you up from below
High into the air
Where the wind blows
The birds sing
And there isn’t a care
But your time will come
For now, just enjoy
For a life lost to dreams
Is simply unfair